Emergency Support Scheme

Your ref no: LDLBRBZQ

Guidance Note

Apply for support during a crisis/emergency/exceptional financial pressure: travel to hospital

Only continue with this application if you need help to visit a close relative or partner who is ill, in hospital or in a care home.

If you do not fit into one of these categories, please go back to the form selector and choose an option that best describes your current circumstances.

The Lambeth Emergency Support Scheme

Click the link below to find out more about who can apply for the scheme and the types of support provided.


How we may use the information you provide

Any information given in this application form may be shared with third parties. This may include London Borough of Lambeth’s partners in the scheme; in certain circumstances, we may share the information with other Council departments, including Social Care Services, if we believe someone maybe at risk.

Lambeth has a duty of care to protect its residents, and as such, we will raise a safeguarding alert with the appropriate agencies if we believe that it is the best course of action to protect somebody who may be at risk of harm, neglect or abuse.

I am aware that if I provide false or inaccurate information Lambeth Council may take action against me, including legal action.

If you are completing this form on behalf of someone else, by clicking ‘next’ you are confirming that the person has given you permission to use their information in this way.